Friday, May 30, 2008

Those Silly Japanese People

I love the Japanese. They have awesome game shows, great anime (yeah, I'm talking about hentai, too) and now we know the rumors are true! PhotoMann found this re-purposed cigarette machine selling "used" panties. Gotta admire a society that revels in it's sexual eccentricities as much as they do. Here's what PhotoMann had to say...

"This vending machine has truly bizarre contents... 'used' schoolgirl panties! We had heard that such machines existed but had never seen them. A colleague came across this machine in suburban Tokyo just recently (May 2002). This particular machine is a converted cigarette machine that now takes 10,000 yen notes (about US$80 bills). The current contents run from 1000 to 3000 yen."

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