Sunday, March 16, 2008

What is it?

I want to warn you. Do not click on this link unless you have a strong stomach or are familiar with extreme body modification. I want to post items of sexuality that not everyone is familiar with and this definitely fits the bill. In the entry they explain that after this modification the subject's erections were harder and more sensitive. Of course I don't advocate any of you men grab a scalpel and go to town on your lovely members. But you can't judge someone who feels that this particular mod was something that needed to be done and has enhanced his sexual experiences.


GirlBlue said...

Oh good god woman, I saw that when Shannon posted it and instantly knew what it was (you read modblog daily you tend to know what kind of things rock Shannon's socks), somehow that did not stop me from clicking on it and being subject to the gory details. I'm so not falling for that a second time though.

Nanners said...
