Monday, July 20, 2009

In My Humble Opinion

While watching CNBC last night, I saw this. One of the pieces was on Max Hardcore being sentenced to 46 months in federal prison for "obscenity." From what I can find, he was sent to prison not for using underage actresses but for those actesses acting as though they were underage. This is totally baffleing to me. I may need to read up a bit more to see if there's something I'm missing but isn't that just fantasy? Doesn't everyone pretend that their situation is in fact different at one time or another (or everytime if you role play A LOT.) Playing out a fantasy in your mind does not break the law and that is what the watchers of Max's porn would be doing. Logically, they know that all the actors are of age in spite of the pig-tails and lollipops. I'm pretty steamed about this. It's shit like this that lead a friend of mine to commit suicide, in part, because of what he found sexually arousing.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

My, what sexy seaming you have.

I was surprised by my first orgasm at about 9 or 10 years old while climbing a swing set. After which, I found the armrest of my home's rust colored, corduroy couch to be able to achieve the same result without having to go across the street to the playground. Years later, I read Nancy Friday's Forbidden Flowers and learned other ways to masturbate in the comfort of my own bed. Thanks, Nancy! I'll never forget that couch but only because it was the most god-awful, ugly piece of furniture ever. I do not wax nostalgic about it like a lost lover.

Not many things surprise me when it comes to sexuality so imagine how I felt when I heard that some people have sexual attraction and sexual relationships with furniture. Objectophilia includes anything inanimate but furniture never struck me as something to include in that list. Naive, I know. I can see how it may start of course, with my story above. Sure, we've all seen that hilarious video of the young men exhibiting their "sexual prowess" with an ottoman but to really love an ottoman or a couch or even your sweet old Granny's arm chair leaves me a little befuddled. I'll definitey have to look into this more. I'm facinated!